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  • 23/8/2024
  • Pujanmart

Why Do People Not Cut Nails After Evening?

Spiritual and Superstitious Beliefs: One prevalent belief is rooted in spiritual and superstitious customs. It is believed that during the night, negative energy and spirits are more active, and cutting nails can attract these energies. People associate nail-cutting with the act of “separating” or “cutting away,” and they fear that this action might disrupt the balance of energies and invite misfortune or bad luck. Hindu Mythology and Ayurveda In Hindu mythology and Ayurvedic traditions, there is a specific association between cutting nails and the moon’s energy. It is believed that the moon symbolizes calmness, tranquility, and healing energies. According to Ayurveda, the moon’s energy is at its peak during the evening and night, and cutting nails during this time may disturb the moon’s energy flow and negatively affect one’s overall well-being. Hygiene and Cleanliness Another practical reason behind avoiding nail-cutting in the evening relates to hygiene and cleanliness. Our hands and feet come into contact with various surfaces throughout the day, accumulating dirt, germs, and bacteria under our nails. Cutting nails in the evening without prior washing might increase the risk of introducing these potentially harmful substances into our bodies, as we tend to touch our face and mouth frequently. Thus, waiting until morning allows for a fresh start with clean hands and feet. Cultural Traditions and Etiquette: In some cultures, cutting nails in the evening is considered impolite or disrespectful. It is believed that the sound of nail-cutting, especially during the night, can disturb spirits, ancestors, or household deities. Additionally, the sound itself may cause discomfort to others who are trying to relax or sleep. To maintain cultural traditions and show respect for others’ comfort, people choose to refrain from cutting their nails after evening hours. Practical Considerations: There are practical reasons that support the notion of avoiding nail-cutting in the evening. For example, cutting nails in low light conditions can be risky, as inadequate visibility may lead to accidental cuts or injuries. Moreover, evening hours are often associated with winding down and relaxation. Engaging in a grooming activity like nail-cutting might be viewed as a disruption to the peaceful atmosphere of the evening, and people prefer to reserve such tasks for daytime hours.

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