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What is Matchmaking?
Matchmaking is a process to check the compatibility between two people. It is done taking the birth particulars or Kundli of the concerned persons. Matchmaking is usually done for marriage to check the compatibility between the concerned boy & girl.

Why Matchmaking is Important for Marriage?
The success of a marriage is quite a big concern, especially in a country like India. The success of a marriage depends upon various factors such as temperament, intimacy, love, harmony, understanding, health, peace, progeny, gains, and growth.

To pre-determine the success or failure of a marriage, matchmaking in astrology is sought after. Moreover, some people proceed with any marriage proposal only after matching the Gunas of the girl & boy.

Is Matchmaking Done for Marriage Only?

In India, matchmaking is necessarily done for marriage to check the compatibility between the concerned bride & groom.

But, matchmaking does not check the compatibility for marriage only!

It is done for other purposes as well such as, business partnership, employer & employee compatibility, friendship, live-in relationship, and many other relationships in which a sort of “partnership” is concerned.

How to do Matchmaking?
In matchmaking, there are 8 components assigned with different points that together make 36 Gunas or points. Out of these 36 Gunas, the couple is required to obtain a minimum of 18 points for a successful marriage/partnership.

Basically, the 8 components in astrology matchmaking represent one’s innate qualities that are required to be compatible with the innate qualities of the other person with whom any partnership is being considered. In traditional language, these 8 components of matchmaking are termed as Ashtakoot Milan.

What Are The 8 Components of Matchmaking?
Varna – point 1 – to check the temperament, ego level, and spiritual compatibility between the partners.
Vashya – Points 2 – to check the dominance, attraction, and control of the partners.
Tara – Points 3 – to check the health & compatibility between the couple.
Yoni – points 4 – to check the friendship & enmity and intimacy level between the partners.
Graha Maitri – points 5 – to check the mental compatibility, friendship & enmity, and approaches between the partners.
Gana – points 6 – to check the temperament, preferences, and attitude between the partners.
Bhakut – points 7 – to check the nature and overall compatibility between the partners.
Nadi – points 8 – to check the health & progeny of the partners.
In our online matchmaking course, Pandit Rahul Kaushl has thoroughly explained all the 8 components of matchmaking and formulas to analyze them.

Manglik Dosha in Matchmaking –
Apart from the Ashtakoot Milan (8 components of matchmaking), there is another important measure of matchmaking viz. Manglik Dosha check – a term which often sounds threatening and sometimes proves a big cause of abandoning a match. Usually, this happens with a lack of complete understanding of Manglik Dosha.

People have different beliefs and assumptions about Manglik Dosha. However, things don’t always go the way as they seem.
Yes, Manglik check is important in matchmaking, but there are always loopholes, exceptions, cancellation, and remedies. Analyzing & applying these factors is very important to check compatibility, especially with a Manglik person. However, the entire concept of Manglik Dosha is explained in detail in our online matchmaking course, which would completely change your mind of Manglik Dosha.

Online Vs. Offline Matchmaking –
Online Matchmaking:
With the evolution of the internet, most of the things are available online, including marriage matchmaking software. The new generation finds it quite easy to match their details with the other person online for a quick analysis.

However, the online matchmaking facility brings one closer to the end results or obtained matching points, but takes one away from the roots, reasoning, factors & causes behind the yielded results & points. Consequently, people accept the yielded online result of matchmaking, base important life/partnership decisions on that result, and end up missing many good partnership opportunities.

Offline Matchmaking:
Though the 8 components used in online & offline matchmaking are the same, yet, in offline matchmaking, one could thoroughly analyze the causes & exceptions to find the possibility of a partnership or marriage. Furthermore, unlike online matchmaking, offline matchmaking if free of any technical error and always produces an accurate result.

Final Words
Well, it is not necessary to approach an astrologer or matchmaking professional to check your compatibility with the other person. Pandit. Rahul Kaushl emphasizes on doing matchmaking yourself! Our online matchmaking course aims to introduce people with the root cause of every matching and mismatching, including the loopholes, exceptions, and remedies. Overall, the personal/offline matchmaking opens up the doors of more partnership opportunities with potential people.

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